Plans For Sunday
Hi everyone, While still relatively sober Thursday night ;o} Lindsay said she'd like to go for a short ride on Sunday followed by a bit of wrenching. A splendid idea I think! So hows about a 2pm. meet at Lindsay's? It's been a while folks so lets make this a good one with a great turnout! TTYL, Darcy.
At 9/09/2006 12:10 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
dude, 2 o'clock is too early for me this sunday. if we're meeting at my place i'd much prefer 3 o'clock.
but i'm def. up for it.
At 9/09/2006 2:06 PM,
Datintor said…
You heard her folks...3pm. See ya.
At 9/09/2006 6:47 PM,
Lars said…
I'll be working on cars, not mopeds all day tomorrow. Having to work weekends sucks. I finish at 5, so I might be able to do some wrenching after the ride if there is a particular place in mind? Love to see you all before the cold weather comes.
At 9/09/2006 7:23 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
thanks lisa! yeah, we will probably be giong for a little ride and then wrenching, i'm not sure. if you have the time, my address is 517 delaware ave, just north of dupont and west of ossington.
lars, wrenching will be at my place.
At 9/10/2006 8:44 AM,
Shutterbug said…
Man, Id like to come ride today...but 3:00 is just too late for me since I have to drive back to Waterloo at the end of the day.
At 9/10/2006 10:28 AM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
sure thing frank, come on by
At 9/10/2006 10:29 AM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
sorry 'bout that dave, c'mon!!
At 9/10/2006 6:44 PM,
Shutterbug said…
Hope eveyone had a good time. 3:00 wouldnt work for me.I had to be back here for 7 and that would have meant I would have to leave early.
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