What's Up?
So what is happening with our little group here. It seems it's the middle of June...and we've had some pretty nice Sundays and NO runs?! I'm getting a little discouraged by what appears to be a lack of enthusiasm. Whatever it is let's get it worked out guys-n-girls and remember why we got involved in the first place. After a loooong winter of single rides I want some company!
...and remember,
Keep your wheels on the road and the bugs outta your teeth.
...and remember,
Keep your wheels on the road and the bugs outta your teeth.
At 6/22/2007 3:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree folks, although I can't ride this weekend. Off to New York City for the weekend. I am up for a ride next weekend, or through the week (On vacation this week).
At 6/22/2007 1:04 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
i agree too, although i'm super strapped for time this summer. school is insane and roller derby is eating my life away. we've got the rally coming up which i'll be at for sure, but i don't know how many group rides i'll be able to make this year.
plus i injured my tailbone really badly skating so it's gonna be a little while before i can go on a long ride.
At 6/22/2007 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm always up for rides Swarms are always fun. Just let me know of any comming up.
At 6/22/2007 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm camping next weekend, an can't join you. I would Sugest .. Jun29-Jul02 'rib-Fest' Centennial Park in Etobicoke. West on Eglington Ave till you smell ribs. (between 427 & Dixie). Have Fun.
At 6/22/2007 3:22 PM,
elusive said…
mmmmmmmmm, ribs!
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