The Royal Canadian Moped Posse

GTA 50cc

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ghost Riders~

Holy rally invites, Batman! We just got this too...........

The Grand Rapids Based branch of the Moped Army The Ghost Riders invite you, the Royal Canadian Moped Posse, to Grand Rapids the weekend of August 12th for the first annual GHOST RIDE. There will be rides through our great town, along the river and seeing why this city is called Grand. There will be good food, there will be drinking and dancing. And most of all there will be Mopeds from many states.We invite you to the rally, we would like to meet some of you and help in your quest to become a branch. Let us know if you will be coming and we can have a place for you to stay. Please oh Canada join us. Joel Leo Ghost rider

Anyone wanna make the trek to GR? It isn't actually that far; it's about a 7 hour drive by car. Be a long one by moped but we could take a van:)


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