Well, just got home from a nice little ride with Brent and Darcy. I wanna know though, everyone, what's with the shitty turnout the last month? I know everyone's busy and has their own thing going on, but this is ridiculous. Come on folks! The weather's gorgeous, and we all know how much fun it is to ride in a big group. Remember last summer?
Next Sunday, Squirly's at 3pm. Be there! Let's have a really good ride!!!
Next Sunday, Squirly's at 3pm. Be there! Let's have a really good ride!!!
At 6/04/2006 4:31 PM,
Shutterbug said…
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At 6/04/2006 4:33 PM,
Shutterbug said…
I am pretty sure I can make it in from Waterloo next Sunday. I have gone on some small rides on my own here but it sure doesnt beat going with a group. Hope to see a bunch next Sunday.
Beep Beep
At 6/04/2006 6:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Got weather in, flew up to Muskoka, to drop off a package for a friend of mine, and got screwed up by a Thunderstorm. I had to wait for that to pass......I just got home (8:05). Sorry guys.....see you next weekend.
At 6/05/2006 3:18 PM,
Datintor said…
Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if we change our ride days to Saturdays would that help more people to get out?
At 6/06/2006 9:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Probably. 3 p.m. on Sunday is too late for me. By the time we get going, it's 4:15 p.m. and I'm thinking: "hmm, getting close to the cocktail hour..."
Anyway, I'm in Montreal this weekend, next weekend I'm in Apsley, the following weekend I'm off camping, jeez the torture never stops, hah!
At 6/09/2006 10:59 AM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
anyone else?
At 6/09/2006 4:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
The day and time is booked.....
At 6/09/2006 6:24 PM,
Shutterbug said…
Hey Lindsay. Can I park at your place?
At 6/09/2006 7:07 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
I'll ask my neighbours tonight. I'm sure it will be ok. And either way, you don't need a permit to park on my street until midnight so you'll be fine.
At 6/10/2006 3:03 PM,
Shutterbug said…
Ok..what time is Ok to show up?
At 6/10/2006 10:48 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
any time after 2's good for me.
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