Logistics for a Moped Rally
Is there any interest in hosting a Moped Rally here in Toronto? I know we have talked about it in the past. If we are serious about this we should start planning now. At least pick a weekend and a location. I am thinking that this might help us with membership in the Moped Army.
What do you think guys?
What do you think guys?
At 12/05/2006 10:24 PM,
jannx said…
I like the idea. I don't think I could host people but I like the idea. Maybe talk to some of the people in MI and get some pointers before seeing if there is interest from other Moped groups outside this group?
At 12/06/2006 12:17 AM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
I have been wanting to host a rally since day one of the RCMP. There is a definite interest, I know that some of the Michigan crew and some of the Indiana crew would come up. I have put a lot of good ideas out there regarding this in the last couple years, and am happy to both put people up at my house and lend out my bikes.
At 12/06/2006 12:18 AM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
however, i think before expecting people to come up here to our rally, it would be good if we showed the initiative and went down to some of theirs first.
At 12/10/2006 4:47 PM,
jannx said…
I think you have a point there Lindsay. Do they do anything earlier in the new year say April? My May/June are always my busy months. July, Aug are good tho.
At 12/11/2006 6:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
I had a look at the Moped Army website at the past events. The annual Moped Madness Ride that is held in Hershey PA is only 7 hours away, and any event in Kalamazoo is only 6 hours away.
At 12/11/2006 10:52 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
well y'all know i've been trying to get down to the k-zoo events. any time y'all wanna go, i'm down. i think a rally here would be rad, but we honestly can't expect people to come all the way up here if we don't make the effort to go and support them first. i've met some of those michigan folks and they're rad.
At 12/13/2006 2:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone, I know I've been kind've awol for a while. Nothing bad...just life. Anyway...I'm sure I could probably put up a couple of people around the house here. TTYL, Darcy
PS. Thanks to Paul for the B'day card.
At 12/13/2006 3:24 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
didn't know it was yer b-day, darcy. hope it was a good one!
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