Day 5 of 10...I am going nuts!
Hi Folks,
Been out of circulation due to….in the quaint phrasing of the medical community a “Minor Unexplainable Cardiac Incident”. It all started on Sunday, with chest pains, severe enough to wake me up at 4am. They have done every test in the book, and then some. They still can’t explain it. So I am on 10 days of bed rest, and I am currently on day 5. It is driving me nuts, to be bedridden.
Keep riding folks, I am jealous!
Been out of circulation due to….in the quaint phrasing of the medical community a “Minor Unexplainable Cardiac Incident”. It all started on Sunday, with chest pains, severe enough to wake me up at 4am. They have done every test in the book, and then some. They still can’t explain it. So I am on 10 days of bed rest, and I am currently on day 5. It is driving me nuts, to be bedridden.
Keep riding folks, I am jealous!
At 7/27/2007 7:11 PM,
Shutterbug said…
I hope it turns out to be something not serious Paul. That must have been scary
At 7/30/2007 9:20 AM,
Niss Feiner said…
Get well Paul! Hope its only something minor!
At 8/01/2007 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I get these chest pains from time to time, right around the sternum. They happen when I roll over or move the wrong way. Been getting them for years and I know a few others who have, too. It's like the esophagus gets squeezed. A glass of water usually cures it.
At 8/03/2007 11:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to here that I hope you get well soon.
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