Puch's are very nice, but... a grand? I serrrriously doubt that this is anything other than a well-kept older purchase at best (and it could easily be a rusty-innards rattletrap). For a full thousand not only should it be running in tip top shape, but it better have all kinds of work and parts in it.
At 2/20/2006 11:02 PM,
Bjerg said…
Puch's are very nice, but... a grand? I serrrriously doubt that this is anything other than a well-kept older purchase at best (and it could easily be a rusty-innards rattletrap). For a full thousand not only should it be running in tip top shape, but it better have all kinds of work and parts in it.
What is this guy smoking?
At 2/20/2006 11:02 PM,
Bjerg said…
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