Ghost Ride

So if my stupid citizenship card gets here in time (which I've been promised by Citizenship and Immigration that it will) I'm heading on down to the Ghost Ride in Grand Rapids. I wanna know if anyone else is up for it! It should be tons of fun, an opportunity to meet lots of other moped riders and a wicked ride. The Ghost Riders are offering places to stay and if we let them know quickly they might have some loaner peds. So let me any of you want to come down with me? We could drive down, rent a van, a trailer, whatever.
At 7/27/2006 1:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
If my ped is fixed by the date of the event, then I'll go down for sure. We could rent a trailer or something and take our bikes down. If they have loaner peds, that'd be sweet for my GF.
My Puch is in the shop right now finally getting the clutch overhauled so that I can ride with you guys finally. I can't wait, it's really killing me. I've wanted to ride with a gang for so long and now it'll finally happen this August. Even if I can't go to the Grand Rapids thing, I for sure will want to go for as many rides with you guys as I can in August and September.
If you can set me up as a member of the gang, then I can make a big "BEWARE, I LIVE" post when the bike is finally fixed. The closest I've come to riding with a gang is just riding with Bjerg back when we first got our mopeds and then sitting in the founding meetings of the RCMP. I desire more!
At 7/27/2006 2:00 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
holy crap, long time no hear from! how are ya? dude, it'll be awesome when you can come and ride with us! if we get a trailer i might have one your gf can ride. shoot me an email if you think you can maybe come down.
At 7/30/2006 11:21 AM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
anyone? jeez, i thought some of you guys would be all over this. it's gonna be mad fun.
At 7/31/2006 2:36 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
awesome. i still haven't gotten my citizenship card yet but i'm gonna call them tomorrow and yell at them.
At 8/02/2006 3:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey im a ghost rider and im looking forward to having you guys down for the rally, and maybe coming over to toronto for a ride.
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