Hello everyone!

It's spring time again, and it is time to get those 2-wheelers running once more.
I will be placing an order with my supplier soon. If anyone needs any parts post a comment here and I'll put it on my list. Safe ridings.
I placed this ad on Kijiji
Invite to the RCMP
I've posted some bikes for sale on the web. Below is an example.
Tomos Streetmate for sale!
Also check out my website here CHEAP MOPEDS
Remember always to look over your shoulder before moving off! Jah Love
At 3/23/2007 2:00 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
i've been out on the batavus a lot this week. i'm heading to buffalo for the night or i'd be out for a long one.
At 3/24/2007 12:36 PM,
Freddie said…
Cool. I've been running my erands on my ped too. The freedom, I love it.
At 3/24/2007 5:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
As most of you know..I'm one of those crazy ones that's been riding all winter long. As long as the roads were clear..I rode! I did have one drop while riding on a not so cleared side road and that's left me with some kind of electrical problem. My Brake light is not working at all, no it's not the bulb, and my Right turn signal is very weak at a stop and dies completely when I give it gas. The Left turn signal works perfectly. That's why I think it's an electrical problem. The side it got dropped on is the side with all the wiring. Any advice guys?
At 3/26/2007 9:16 PM,
jannx said…
Darcy .. my advice? Don't forget to signal with your hand!
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