2007 Moped Army Events
I would like to get down to one of these events this summer. I know that Lindsay is in, but who else? I think that this could be done, reasonalbly inexpensivly ..... about $30.00-40.00 per person to get there, (U Haul Rental, chip in for gas and tolls). These are the events that are an easy 1 day drive from Toronto. When we get together for a few drinks I think we should talk about it. What do you think?
May 27-28 Kalamazoo : BBQ 13
June 2 Hershey; Moped Madness
June 15-17 Cincinatti : Bomb Prom
July 13-15 Chicago : BlingBQ4
August 17-20 Grand Rapids : Ghost Ride
October 5-7 Ann Arbor: Red October
May 27-28 Kalamazoo : BBQ 13
June 2 Hershey; Moped Madness
June 15-17 Cincinatti : Bomb Prom
July 13-15 Chicago : BlingBQ4
August 17-20 Grand Rapids : Ghost Ride
October 5-7 Ann Arbor: Red October
At 2/19/2007 8:53 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
according to my school schedule, i think i could totally make moped madness and the ghost ride. i'm still sore i missed last years ghost ride, i really wanted to go. depending on how the job search after school goes, i could maybe hit up red october too. i want to at least go to one of them. hells yeah!!
At 2/21/2007 11:12 PM,
Bjerg said…
Sorry guys, it's not on topic but... ever since they shifted Blogger over to the post-beta version, my ability to post doesn't work at all (other than leaving comments, like these).
At 2/21/2007 11:13 PM,
Bjerg said…
Hm. Never mind. It appears to have randomly fixed itself. Er, I hope anyway.
At 3/06/2007 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Canadians can stay at my house.
Joel, Ghost Rider, come catch the ghost ride.
At 3/16/2007 9:27 AM,
jannx said…
I usually go fishing on weekends in the summer so I may not be able to hook up. However, if there are some slots in my weekends, I'd be up to go with the rest of you. Always fun meeting new people and checking out their different Mope's
At 4/16/2007 7:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't have a moped license yet, Do you know if I need one to ride in the U.S. I would be intereste din going to one of these. Thanks
At 11/10/2008 2:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting to know.
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