Got it!
I got the citizenship card! Just in the nick of time! Gotta head down to the passport office tomorrow and extend my passport and I am all set to cross the border again. SO...........who wants to go to Michigan? Let's do it! I wanna go so bad. Can we figure it out? I haven't registered with the Ghost Ride yet because I wasn't sure I'd have the card in time, but now that I have it, I so want to go. Who's got a car? A truck? A van? Let's do this!! Post here or call me and we can figure it out. The rally is Saturday and Sunday so we could leave Friday night or super early Saturday morning and come back Sunday night or Monday. Doesn't matter to me. I just want to go and ride mopeds with those guys.
At 8/09/2006 3:45 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
ok, sounds good. i've gotta keep it as cheap as possible 'cause i'm broke. do you have a trailer hitch on your car? 'cause it's probably a lot cheaper to rent a trailer. i also can't rent cars because i don't have a credit card so someone else would have to actually rent it.
At 8/09/2006 11:40 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
ok, well let me know when you know. i'm gonna feel really bad if none of us show up for this. those guys are totally stoked that we might come. anyone else up for it? the more the merrier.
At 8/10/2006 1:39 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
anyone? come on guys! i know you're all strategically ignoring me now, but i promise it'll be tons of fun.
At 8/10/2006 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Get your asses down here, I gots beer and food for you guys. Hurry Grand Rapids needs some love.
At 8/10/2006 8:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Lindsay, I'd love to do a run but I'm committed for Saturday for a couple of weeks now.
At 8/11/2006 3:04 PM,
Datintor said…
I wish to hell I could Lindsay, but I can't. I hope you have ooooodles of fun! D.
At 8/11/2006 3:05 PM,
Lindsay R Casey said…
i won't have any fun because i'm not going.
At 8/12/2006 3:06 PM,
Shutterbug said…
Dont call LINDSAY... Linds..she doesnt like that
beep beep
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