The Royal Canadian Moped Posse

GTA 50cc

Monday, October 23, 2006

Dinner / Drinks!

So, you lot! How's Thursday evening for a meet-up?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sunday looks about Saturday

Since Sunday's forcast is looking wet and miserable..anyone up for a ride on Saturday?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Plans for the weekend

Maybe if we plan early we can get a good turnout!? The forecast looks like great riding weather, perhaps, even the best weather we'll have for the remainder of the year. I know we've had some members with schedule changes so maybe even a Saturday ride? Let's hear it folks...whatcha wanna do? TTYL, Darcy.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Stupid thunderstorm.

I was going to go for a nice long ride today (not to mention do a bunch of errands) before I leave but it's raining!! No mopeds for me for another two weeks now!!

Have fun y'all and I'll see you all when I come home.