Attn: Friends and Fellow Moped Riders
I found a guy who wants to ride with us. He heard about us from Lars last year but lost trak. More importantly though is he has a 1985 Honda MOPED for sale. He is asking only $500 bucks for it. I've been to see it and it runs beautifully. It's not too great in the looks dept. as someone in the past poorly painted the gas tank a solid white. If anyones interested you can call "Cris" @ 416-462-3295.
BTW, what are we foing for Sunday? Take care. Darcy.
BTW, what are we foing for Sunday? Take care. Darcy.
At 8/17/2006 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
ME again...first I meant "doing" not "foing"! Cris also has a older model Honda Elite Scooter (150cc) for sale as well.
At 8/17/2006 6:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am in for a ride this weekend.
I will have the patches with me this weekend.
At 8/18/2006 9:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
thanks for the update on the scooter. Dunno maybe I 'll able to ride sunday. I'll check or send me a pm
cheers, Jannx
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