End of Season Dinner
So tomorrow, yeah? Tomorrow night, Irie, 7pm, see ya all there!
Toy Moped?
So I was walking down Queen St. on my way home from work this evening, and I noticed this in the window of Commute Home. I'm guessing it's an old childs toy? It's only about two feet tall. Or some crazy old moped? Haha, who knows? Although it does seem to have some parts that would make it go. I'm not sure. The store was closed so I couldn't go in and look at it. 

Anyway, I figured some of you guys would get a kick out of it. It's neat.
Harbord Cycle
Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about Harbord Cycle on Ossington? I want to take my new Honda there and really find out exactly what it needs and how much it's going to run me to properly restore it. The reason I want to go there is it's really close to my house, but I don't know anything about them. I really want to do a proper job on the Honda, since I'm so freaking excited about it, so I'd like to actually take it to a shop for once instead of just taking it apart myself and putting it back together wrong! Or if anyone knows where else I should take it? The bike is in super rough shape but it is totally worth putting some dough into, or I think so anyway. It'll be a great ride around town even if it isn't a moped:) I'd also like to get it painted once it's in good working order, so if anyone has ideas let me know!
Sunday's Forecast
Looking pretty dismal again for this Sunday. However, anyone up for meeting at Squirly's anyway? Breakfast (I know, at 2 in the afternoon), coffee, drink? Some of us have to be having moped withdrawl!